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Sport Buchebner


Rental - Service - Sale - E-Bike

Valley staion chairlift - Spital am Semmering


Rental conditions

  • For our equipment we request a deposit (e.g.: ID, driving license, passport,.....)​
  • The customer is responsible for the undamaged, complete and timely returnal of the equipment.
  • The customer is asked to confim the provided data (height, weight and ability to drive) by signature of the rental receipt.
  • The rental service is not held liable for inexpert handling of our equipment.
  • Our equipment is not insured against theft - the customer is held liable for it.
  • We assume no liability for any accidents.

Sport Buchebner

Peter Perner

Business owner


Bundesstraße 6d

8684 Spital am Semmering - Austria


Phone +433853 / 229

Mobil +43664 / 13 11 176

Opening hous:


Winter (from 1. November)

Mo - Fr from 8 am - 5 pm

Sa from 8 am - 1 pm

Winter (during lift operation)

daily from 8 am - 5 pm

Summer (from 15.04.)

daily after arrangement
