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Sport Buchebner


Rental - Service - Sale - E-Bike

Valley staion chairlift - Spital am Semmering


Opening hours

We gladly stand to the disposal of our customers wishes but reservations are necessary. Please contact us under:


0664 / 13 11 176 or are-info-xya34[at]


Earliest rental: 9 am

Latest return: 5 pm


A strict return policy is enforced due to further processing that is required after the bikes have been returned. The security of our customer is of utmost importance, as is the case with our winter equipment. The bikes will be thoroughly checked, serviced and polished after every trip. This is to grant a satisfactory rental for our next customers. Therefore we also want to give the wildlife and kettle its much deserved resting time.

E Bike

Sport Buchebner

Peter Perner

Business owner


Bundesstraße 6d

8684 Spital am Semmering - Austria


Phone +433853 / 229

Mobil +43664 / 13 11 176

Opening hous:


Winter (from 1. November)

Mo - Fr from 8 am - 5 pm

Sa from 8 am - 1 pm

Winter (during lift operation)

daily from 8 am - 5 pm

Summer (from 15.04.)

daily after arrangement
